Saturday, May 21, 2011

high school..... like it was yesterday!!

My high school memory is when I met my best friend Dani the first time I ever met her was in 3rd grade but we never talked agian after that thell my freshman year in high school when she found me in lacrosse and she started helping me practice she was  an amazing person. There was one reason she noticed me and started becoming a part of my life and it was all becuase of the way my boyfriend at the time treated me. she had noticed that everytime she saw me I wasn't always having the greatest day and that I was never smiling but somthing about her made her find out what was going on with me sshe took the time to figure out thet it was becuase of my now ex-boyfriend he was not the micest person he was spme what abuse not only emotionally but physicaly and she was the only one who say what was really happening she was the only one that helped me become who I am today she picked me up when i was in one of my darkest places in life she took me under her wings and made me know that evedrthing was going to be ok and she kept me for hers she let me know what love really is and i could not ask for more this is my favorite high school memory becuase she took me away from what could have been the end of me and gave me a spot in her heart and promised me she would never let go or never hurt me thats why Dani is my favorite high school memory.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

senior project walk through!!

My senior project was a fun presentation of home decor that consist of of tables, chairs, and shadow boxes including much much more I was one of the lucky people to get done before  February. I had a least two months to plan everything else that goes along with the project. I got to go through and think about how I was going to hang things up and a rage  them. Everything was going perfect tell I found out I would only have two days to set up because of other people that were going to be in the location of my art show, before this there was always the issue of finding the right products and the money to purchase them. All in all everything went ok after it was all in its places and I didn't have to worry about the way it was going to look. I was very happy the presentation went well and everything was fabulous, thanks to ryan and his band he pulled together there was beautiful music and entertainment.

show and tell

A simple jar of flowers is what my show and tell is. this jar of flower is very important to me because it holds not just flowers but flowers from all my family members funerals that i have attended i the last seven and a half years. i have lost 3 different family members since 2004 first it started with my grandfather who passed away from lung cancer when i was ten years old. The second person was my baby cosine Savannah  Rae that passed away in her sleep from crib death. the third is my aunt Lori that passed from a heart attack. all the flowers in this jar are all from there different flowers all of them have been dried and put in this jar along with the memory of there lives. this simple jar has more meaning in it then anything i own and i'm so glad that i decided to make it because its like having a connection to everyone that i've lost.